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Messages - corb

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Questions and Bugs / Re: Another GUI crash. And filtering problems.
« on: November 06, 2019, 09:27:32 pm »
I can't tell much about the GUI crashes. I've never had any problems om my test systems. The only time GUI crashes happened when I was using a system with an atom processor. I'm testing on a intel nuc i5-5250 and i5-6250 + 8GB memory. So maybe a processor problem? You could do a test by reducing the samplerate to 48000. It won't be stereo but the CPU takes about a 3rd of processing power, if crashes are gone it's most likely the the CPU capacity.

I use a composite peak control and it controls the full baseband 40Hz-53kHz but it isn't actual clipping just reducing gain on the parts that are to loud and therefor not producing many 3e harmonics. I'm gonna do some testing of splitting up the baseband as you suggested. The fm peak contol only affects the 40Hz-15kHz mono and stereo diff. signal before DBS modulation.


Release Info / Qmod 19.1 released
« on: August 01, 2019, 09:15:19 am »
===== 19.1 ====
From now on all support for Windows XP is no longer garanteed.
Version 18.6-32bit still had Windows XP support but to keep up with the Go language development I've decided to drop the Windows XP support.
Qmod could be working fine on XP but I've no way to test it.

- New: New resizable main window.
- New: A separate tab for pre-processing with now stereo+, low+ and treble controls
- New: Extra crash report. When a crash happens a file named qmodstackerror.txt appears in the Errorlog folder in the executable directory.
- New: A release hold setting. Values are 100ms - 2s with a step of 50ms till 1sec and 100ms above 1sec.
- New: A symmetry max. setting. Values are 0 - 3dB with a step of 0.
- Changed: Replaced the fm peak control with a new version for better spectrum control.
- Fixed: Several bugs.

Release Info / Qmod 18.6 released
« on: December 03, 2018, 10:33:57 am »
Release Notes

===== 18.6 ====
- Changed the low+ section.
- Changed some default preset settings.
- Replaced the Density control with five separate band controls.
- Removed the visual panel. It wasn't very useful and took unnecessary processing time when in use.
- Fixed: A wrong mix value of band 1 which resulted in a -2dB lower output of band 1.
- Fixed: When the peakcontrol was enabled it gave a glitch.
- Fixed: A few GUI bugs.
- Fixed: A timing bug in the leveler release and a bug in the core.

Qmod info / Qmod on Linux or Mac
« on: October 26, 2018, 02:07:21 pm »
You can run Qmod also on Linux or Mac by using Wine.

I've tested Qmod 18.5 x64 on Linux Mint 19 (Ubuntu 18.04) and Wine 3.03 stable. I have no Mac available so testing isn't possible by me. Feel free to test it yourself. You'll find more info on:

Release Info / Qmod 18.5 released
« on: September 22, 2018, 10:27:18 am »
Release info

- Added: Buffer size up to 2048 samples.
- Added: A preset planner. Gives you the possibility to automatically set a preset for every hour or a range of hours.
- Added: Selection of the equalizer setup, pre or post processing
- Fixed: A wrong buffer could occur in some cases.
- Fixed: A misreading of the proper samplerate return value after reinitializing the audio card.
- Fixed: Solved a bug in the peak control which caused some harmonic distortion.
- Fixed: Some bugs in the preset selection.
- Fixed: A bug in the noise reduction.

Release Info / Qmod 18.4 released
« on: July 02, 2018, 02:16:53 pm »
Release info
- Changed: Stereo+ improved mono detection.
- Changed: Some GUI design changes.
- Changed: The values of stereo+ are in percent now. Old values are automatically recalculated except when your old value is 5 or 10, you'll need to change it yourself.
- Changed: Renamed the clipper section to peak control. It's more in line with what's really happening, controlling the peaks in the signal not clipping it.
- Changed: Make left and right mute work independant.
- Changed: Some changes in the correction algorithm of the balance control.
- Added: Display of the real output level as a blue line in the output vu

Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 31, 2018, 07:27:17 pm »
Thanks for the update.
I've downloaded vac and gonna check it out and maybe put a hint in the manual.

Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 28, 2018, 08:32:28 pm »
Ok, it seems the WASAPI setting doesn't work with virtual cables. Select MME and everything work fine.
Instead of Virtual Audio Cable I used Breakaway Pipeline but that shouldn't make any difference. The codebase looks the same.

Setup is:
Playout -> pipeline 1
Qmod input -> pipeline 1
Qmod output -> pipeline 2
Butt stream encoder pipeline 2
api: MME

Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 27, 2018, 06:41:40 pm »
Hi Ainars, you're right connecting to a virtual cable isn't working. It will take some time to find out what the problem is.
However this is what I did to get a workaround:
Windows audio setup:
recording device -> pipeline 1
playback device -> pipeline 2

playout center:
playback -> pipeline1

streaming encoder (butt 0.1.15 in my case):
input -> pipeline 2

input device -> default
output device -> default
samplerate -> 44100
api -> WASAPI

Hope this helps.

Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 25, 2018, 03:01:51 pm »
Hi Ainars,

I don't have the same setup here but have something similar with breakaway pipeline and did some tests.
I'm gonna see if I can have a setup like you have.


settings / Re: Where do I find the settings?
« on: May 15, 2018, 11:38:19 am »
From Qmod 18.2 and upwards the settings folder has moved to the <Qmod install folder>/Settings.

Release Info / Qmod 18.3 released
« on: May 14, 2018, 09:58:31 am »
Version 18.2.2 had some serious bugs so here's 18.3.

Release notes
===== 18.3 ====
- Fixed: The update check didn't check for point releases.
- Fixed: When you changed the buffer size Qmod would freeze.
- Changed: Rewrite of the device selection to have a better selection of the devices. It's now possible to run two or more Qmod instances at the same time Every instance will need it's own sound card. A bug in the device selection prevented this.
- Added: A name for your Qmod process in the main window. On the preset panel you can set the name.
- Added: The configuration window saves its position when closing.

Release Info / Qmod 18.2.2 released please update asap
« on: May 03, 2018, 10:14:25 am »
===== 18.2.2 ====
- Fixed: A bug that in some rare ocassions could remove files from your home folder.

Release Info / Qmod 18.2.1 released
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:26:29 pm »
This is a fix for 18.2

===== 18.2.1 ====
- Fixed: If you did a first install the settings foldep was not create and gave an error.

Release Info / Qmod 18.2 released
« on: April 30, 2018, 01:34:04 pm »
===== 18.2 ====

- Changed: Switched to Go 1.10.1
- Changed: Replaced the clipper by a buffered clipper. The old one did its job in real time, the new one uses a buffer between 5 and 40ms to work with.
                   It gives a cleaner sound because it produces less distortion and harmonics.
- Changed: The clipper drive value is now in dB. You problably need to check your clipper setting when in use.
- Added:   A separate fm clipper control on the fm panel.
- Removed: The stereowidth limiter in the fm section. The bandwith can be better controlled by the new composite limiter.
- Changed: Some small values in de leveler.
- Changed: Stereo+ divided into two parts for detection.
- Changed: Moved the settings folder from APPDATA to the local Qmod folder and renamed it to Settings. This way it opens the possibility to run multiple instances of
                   Qmod together, each in its own folder with its own settings. You'll need an separate audio card for every instance however.
- Fixed: A few small bugs in the processing routine.
- Fixed: A few bugs in the GUI
- Fixed: A bug in the audio card timing guard which caused a repeating restart of the audio card at samplerate a setting of 96000 and 192000.

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