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Messages - ainars

Pages: [1]
Questions and Bugs / Re: Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 29, 2018, 03:56:30 pm »
Sorry, this is not working.
I think that key word is: [Invalid number of channels]
I have no idea how VAC works, but you can try trial version here:
The same error [invalid Nr. of CH] I can get when set input to mic [mono] and output to speakers [stereo].
I have to use Virtual Audio Cable because this workstation runs multiple players / encoders.
I don't know other solution with 10+ virtual stereo channels.

Workaround was found: Set VAC cable format to exact bit depth and channel count.

Questions and Bugs / Virtual Audio Cable
« on: May 24, 2018, 03:04:31 pm »
Hello again,

New version (18.3) can't start processing. Last known working version - 17.9

Error Log:
2018/05/24 15:14:06 [Invalid number of channels]
2018/05/24 15:14:06 [audio card error >> please, check your audio card setup]
2018/05/24 15:14:08 [Invalid number of channels >> device: API=WASAPI inputdevice=Line 8 (Virtual Audio Cable)#80 outputdevice=Line 9 (Virtual Audio Cable)#71 samplerate=48000 framesize=256]

Can someone check if it is working.

My setup:
Player output = VAC Line 8.
Qmod input = VAC Line 8.
Qmod output = VAC Line 9.
Edcast (IceCast2 stream encoder) input = VAC Line 9.

Questions and Bugs / Re: Conflict with RAdmin
« on: November 06, 2017, 06:44:41 am »

So, maybe that's particular video driver conflict...
Will write to RAdmin support too.

PS. Please check if in Radmin Settings / Options / Mics. is ticked "Load Mirror Driver on Startup". Otherwise Qmod will freeze only after someone connect to Your PC.

PS2. Maybe this is somehow related. After click on [visuals] tab program stop responding. Even when Radmin is uninstalled completely.

Questions and Bugs / Conflict with RAdmin
« on: November 04, 2017, 05:59:25 pm »
RAdmin version 3.5.1 video hook driver freezes Qmod GUI.
Program still works, but it is impossible to control it remotely.
(for some reason earlier Radmin versions doesn't work on latest Win10 edition, so I can't downgrade it).

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