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Qmod start niet op een van mijn pc's

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I managed to dig up a win7sp1 installation drive and made a dual boot install on my test pc.
The test PC is a Intel NUC i5 with a i5-5250 processor and the built-in intel GPU
8 GB RAM and a SSD 128GB, audio is a Steinberg U-22 usb audio card.
I'm using the win7 32bit version
I took the latest Qmod and it runs perfectly.
It seems it's a hardware/driver related problem that I can't reproduce.

I did a quick check on the CPUs you're using and I see that they're mobile processors from '07/'08.
I did a test once and tried to run Qmod on a PC with intel D500 mobile processor and 2GB RAM. The D500 is from 2010.
It started but frooze during the start up. So from my experience I don't think it's gonna work at all even when the crash problem is solved.

OK thanks
I was curious to test it, yes, the PCs that act as processor servers and directing my radios are a bit dated, even if very stable. Generally all the audio processors I know have always worked and still work. As soon as I can, I will test it on a newer machine.

I think practically every audio processor is written in C/C++. Qmod is written in Go. Go asks a bit more CPU power than C/C++.
I don't like C/C++ and choose Go when I started this project a few years back, and with CPUs getting more power I don't think it's a big drawback.
A pity you can't test it, I would very much like to hear your opinion on Qmod. When you get it to work please let me know.

Have a nice day,


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